06 February 2021

Laptops for Schools

One of our Forest Hill Society team has been refurbishing laptops & desktops for SE23 children in need of remote learning capability. Can we ask that any family and friends and/or anyone else out there who has a laptop stuffed in a drawer or a cupboard - would they be willing to donate it. We will collect, reconfigure, re-install and distribute where needed.
Base requirement is that it has a webcam and a power supply, and is powerful enough to run Zoom.
Every one means another child is linked in to remote teaching.
We have already collected and passed on more than 27 laptops and tablets that are now being used for on-line learning. A big THANK YOU to those who have already made contributions or are about to.

If you have a laptop of tablet that could be donated please email chair@foresthillsociety.com

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