Last Saturday 17 volunteers gathered in Albion Millennium Green to collect pickers, bags and forms in order to carry out the first local litter-pick of 2025. And what a lot of litter there was!

Organised by the Friends of Albion Millennium Green as part of the Million Mile Clean run by Surfers Against Sewage, and supported by the Forest Hill Society and also by Councillor Billy Harding, this group came together to clear the rubbish that has accumulated over the years on the path along the railway line from Forest Hill Station to the Sydenham Bridge.
This path should be a pleasant alternative to walking along a busy Dartmouth Road, but too often the path is strewn with discarded bottles, cans, packets and, sadly, dog mess (bagged and otherwise). Whilst this is the fate of many city paths, we felt that this effort might help start a change and for this route to be a more welcoming space, especially as it leads to the back entrance of Albion Millennium Green as well as the bridge, multiple residences and even some business premises on Clyde Vale.
In the end, these volunteers split into groups that, together, collected over 100kg of rubbish - mainly bottles, beer and soft-drink cans, take-away packets and an assortment of other canisters, including deodorants and perfumes.

We had to stop at 12:30 as time as well as bags ran-out well before all the rubbish was collected, but some areas are now much cleaner and ready for some gardening effort to clear the brambles and weeds. We hope to organise another litter-pick in a month or so to clear even more areas.
As well as the organisations and volunteers on the day, we want to thank Lewisham Council for providing the pickers and bags for the day, and also for taking away the materials collected. We hope that our work might make this a more pleasant path around Forest Hill for everyone.
If you take this route at all, let us know what you think of our efforts, and maybe you can consider joining us next time?
Thank you all, and well done!